Thursday, May 31, 2018

Project #13 - Stop Motion Animation

In this project, Liam Bouffard and I created a stop motion animation video. It is super simple yet also super fun and I really liked the way it came out.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Inspiring Stop Animation

I really like this stop motion video because of the way it combines abstract play-dough balls and real life hamburger ingredients. I also really like the way the play-dough turns into the real life ingredients.

I really like this stop motion video because of the way he uses the studio in the video. The actual studio is part of the environment. I also really like the way the creator shakes or zooms the camera to give a viewer the affect that the action he is doing is really forceful.

I really like this stop motion video because of how weird it is. None of it makes sense yet in the end it all comes together to make a really weird, cool video.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Project #12 - Utopia-Dystopia

In this project we practice iMovie skills and I created two 30 second films. One portrays Lincoln as a utopia and another as a dystopia. Can you guess which on is which?