Thursday, May 31, 2018

Project #13 - Stop Motion Animation

In this project, Liam Bouffard and I created a stop motion animation video. It is super simple yet also super fun and I really liked the way it came out.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Inspiring Stop Animation

I really like this stop motion video because of the way it combines abstract play-dough balls and real life hamburger ingredients. I also really like the way the play-dough turns into the real life ingredients.

I really like this stop motion video because of the way he uses the studio in the video. The actual studio is part of the environment. I also really like the way the creator shakes or zooms the camera to give a viewer the affect that the action he is doing is really forceful.

I really like this stop motion video because of how weird it is. None of it makes sense yet in the end it all comes together to make a really weird, cool video.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Project #12 - Utopia-Dystopia

In this project we practice iMovie skills and I created two 30 second films. One portrays Lincoln as a utopia and another as a dystopia. Can you guess which on is which?

Monday, April 30, 2018

Project #11 - Magazine Mockup

In this project I made a magazine. To do this I took pictures. Then, I edited them in Lightroom. After that, I assembled it in Photoshop and finally printed it. I really like the way it came out!

Inspiring Magazine Designs

In this project I will be creating a magazine. To create this, I have gathered some magazine covers and spreads that I will base my magazine on. They are:




Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Project 10 - Pictures

This is my fine art portrait. Its a picture of my dog and I took it during the snow days earlier this year. In Lightroom I took the reds way up and put a small vignette on it.  

This is one of my commercial photography portraits. I took it by lining Liam against the wall. One part of it that I think is different and I like is how he is looking directly at the camera. 

This is my other commercial photography portrait. I like this because of how natural he looks playing with his headphones. I also like how the subject is given lots of power because of the angle of the picture. 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Fine Art vs. Commercial Portraits

These two portraits are very different in that the top is a commercial portrait and the bottom is a fine art portrait. The top is more serious and does not show much creativity from the photographer where as the bottom is super creative with the flowery background. 

Commercial Portraits

Commercial portraits are portraits taken for commercial purposes - usually a magazine or other form of publication. Nearly every cover of Time Magazine is an example of a commercial portrait.
Philippe Halsman
I like how this photograph really gives insite into the personality of the subject
Williams + Hirakawa
I like how the picture is black and white. I think that with the white background it makes the subject pop.

Fine Art Portraits

A Fine Art Portrait is a portrait in the sub category of photography called fine art photography. Fine art photography is just creative photography where the photographers creative vision is part of the photograph.
Bill Gekas
I like this portrait because I feel it shows the innocence of children

Alex Stoddard
I like this portrait because of the sense of struggle it makes you feel

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Project 09 - Surrealism

Surrealism is like artistic expression and is very abstract. Surrealism in photography looks like some crazy combination of images that don't look like they should go together but they do.
I created this pretty much randomly. I just grabbed a photo from Lightroom and just added random stuff. Eventually I started a space theme and just kept with it. I really like the final result!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Project 9 - Prework

Surrealism is a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature that
sought to release thecreative potential of the unconscious mind, for example
by the irrational juxtaposition of images. This form of art involves strange
images that are extremely irrational, creative and abstract. Some examples
of this are:
The Elephant Celebes, Max Ernst
The Son of Man, Rene Magritte

Examples of surrealist photography:

Martin Stranka - Close
Philippe Halsman - Dali Atomicus, 1948
Stone Part One - Tommy Ingberg

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Project 8 - Digital Alternative Process

In this project we used digital tools, like photo shop, to imitate other form of photography. For example, we imitated daguerreotypes and cyanotypes. These are forms of photography that were invented about a hundred yeas ago and look really cool and old. We imitated them digitally. Here are my daguerreotypes and cyanotypes.

This is my daguerreotype. I tried to imitate depression era photos and I think it turned out well. 


Other daguerreotype

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Semester 1 Reflection

These are my 5 best photos, in my opinion, from the first semester in order. I have had loads of fun in photography this semester and have gained many skills. I now know how to use my camera and I understand its complex controls. I had tons of fun messing with these controls to create long exposure shots and more. This semester, I am most excited to continue learning ways to take cool photos and techniques that will improve my photography.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Project 6 - Multiple Image Techniques

In this project, we practiced using photoshop to create some very cool photos. Unfortunately, I couldn't go on the field trip so the photos I took are all very similar and did not turn out very good. But, I have two panoramas, two HDR (High Dynamic Range) and two multiple exposures.

 These are my attempts at HDR photos. It didn't end up working because the trees were moving with the wind but it did teach me the technique. 

These are my best pictures. It is a multiple exposure shot of trees in my backyard and of humming birds in my backyard. I took about 5 pictures of trees and then laid them on top of each other to create this picture. For the hummingbirds, I took four pictures of the birds and then merged them together. I really like the way they turned out! 

These are my panoramas. I was pleasantly surprised by the way they came out even though the subjects are not very good. Despite this, the panoramas actually look pretty cool.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Project 5 - Basic camera Functions

This was my favorite project so far. We focused on learning the manual settings of our cameras. With these settings, I can make motion blur photos and mess with the depth of field of the pictures. Then, we had to make a before the edits and after the edits thing on photoshop. Unfortunately, after putting the pictures into photoshop there quality became diminished. Because of this, I have also posted the final version of my favorite photo I have taken to date.